Buenos Aires offers a wide variety of tours that allow visitors to get an idea of the idiosyncrasy of its people. That’s why Buenos Aires Administration Office organized a free guided tours called “History from its place” (La historia en su lugar), which includes seven free guided tours that try to present the past of this cosmopolitan city. Take a look at the different tours.
Free Guided Tours
WRITERS ON DE MAYO AVENUE (Hernández, Borges, Cortázar):
On the first Saturday of each month, from April 1 to October 29, at 3.30pm, this excellent literary tour takes place. From the front door of Banco Nación, located at Plaza de Mayo (Rivadavia Av. and Balcarce St.), this guided tour shows the place and circumstances in which José Hernández wrote his emblematic book Martín Fierro; the building of La Prensa newspaper, where the Culture Ministry was located and Jorge Luis Borges participated as a journalist; and London Bar, the place that inspired Julio Cortázar to write his novel Los Premios.
WRITERS ON DE MAYO AVENUE (Lorca, Sasturain, Saint Exupéry…):
On the second Saturday of every month, from April 1 to October 29, at 3.30pm, this wonderful tour takes place. It starts at the front door of Castelar Hotel, located on De Mayo Avenue 1152, where writer Federico García Lorca used to live. Then, at Barolo Palace, a group of travelers looks for detective Etchenique, main character of Juan Sasturain’s novel Manual de Perdedores. The tour continues at Majestic Hotel, the favorite hotel of Antoine de Saint Exupéry, writer of The Little Prince, and Le Corbusier, a Modernist architect. Finally, at 36 Billares Bar, the main characters of “Tristezas de una pieza hotel”, a Germán Rozenmacher’s short story, meet.
Every Sunday, from January 9 to October 30, at 11.30am, at Vuelta de Rocha (Pedro de Mendoza Av. and Del Valle Iberlucea), visitors will attend the staging of one of the most important elements of Argentine and Buenos Aires identity: Immigration.
On the fourth Saturday of each month, from April 1 to October 29, at 3.30pm, this guided tour takes place. It tries to recover the footprints left by Mujica Láinez in the beautiful Belgrano neighborhood. From the fountain located on the intersection of Sucre St. and 11 de Septiembre St., at Barrancas de Belgrano, this guided tour will definitely leave a mark on your memory.
Every Sunday, from April 1 to October 30, at 3.30pm, at Plaza Colombia, located on 700 Montes de Oca Av., visitors will listen to the most tragic love stories in Buenos Aires as they tour around Barracas neighborhood.
Every September and October Saturday, at 6.30pm and 7pm, respectively, at the famous Plaza Dorrego, get ready to live a horror story on the old San Telmo’s streets: Meet its ghosts, myths and mysterious stories in a memorable tour.
On the third Saturday of each month, from April 1 to October 30, at 3.30pm, from the mythical Flores Mansion (located at 2217 Yerbal St.), this tour takes place. It will allow people to discover the most intimate details about the famous Argetine writer Roberto Arlt, including the school where he studied as a boy, Plaza Pueyrredón and Marcó del Pont Culture Center.
Don’t miss your opportunity of touring around this nice neighborhoods during your stay in Buenos Aires.